Elfic Dragon

Weaknesses Sea Terra
Resistances War
Immunities Nature
Available at Level 3
Incubation Time 36:00:00
Rarity Basic
Type Light War
Buy 1,750 Gold
Sell Value 288,000 Gold
XP 288,000 XP
Used in Battles? Yes
Breedable Yes

Elfic Dragon Breeding

Parent Parent Attempts Successes Breed %
Archangel War 57 45 39%
Odin Heart 21 21 18%
Waterfall Panzer 24 19 17%
Archangel Thor 15 15 13%
Elfic Pure Ice 14 14 12%
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Percentages are based on what our users have shared with us, your mileage will vary.
If you feel there is a problem with the data provided we shall correct it... but only for you.
Please Contact Us to let us know and we'll update the data accordingly.

Additional Elfic Dragon Information

Since the first time the Elves walked over Arda this dragon has been protecting them all. His armor is made of leather strips, iron ingot and refined moonstones. And he is immune to all the forces of evil.