Alien Dragon

Weaknesses Electric Flame
Resistances Nature Sea
Immunities Terra
Incubation Time 12:00:00
Rarity Unique
Type Metal Sea
Buy 100,000 Gold
Sell Value 5,000 Gold
XP 5,000 XP
Used in Battles? Yes
Breedable Yes

Alien Dragon Breeding

Parent Parent Attempts Successes Breed %
Allure Allure 50 37 30%
Magnet Rainbow 38 30 24%
Angry Dark Stone 28 22 18%
Alien Ace 59 20 16%
War Electric 64 14 11%
Must be logged in to contribute breeding combinations.

Breeding results are based on user contribution, NOT in-game data.
Percentages are based on what our users have shared with us, your mileage will vary.
If you feel there is a problem with the data provided we shall correct it... but only for you.
Please Contact Us to let us know and we'll update the data accordingly.

This Dragon requires:

Not a Breedable Dragon

Additional Alien Dragon Information

It's a dragon from another universe, a completely unindentified and an alien entity! Don't even try to fool this creature, it can read your mind before you even think your thoughts!